

Sunday, August 17, 2014


P> "I Promised Your Mother"... WOW, just amazing powerful stuff!

JC> Thanks. Well, it was early May and the three year anniversary of the death of a close friend of mine was fast approaching (she died in a car accident in 2011) and I wanted to do a tribute to her so, I Promised Your Mother became the next single.

Album Cover for I Promised Your Mother

This was very emotional and difficult to make! We wanted to stick with our specific style while also paying a respectful tribute. I remember when we were filming the segments on the bed with the cell phone... between takes I would look up at the ceiling and say, "Now Pretty Bird? (that's what I called her) - If you don't want me to make this video then give me a sign... let me know somehow!" I believed that she would because her ghost did show up in a painting I did of her years before!

The painting most of the time.
My friend's ghost!

I was just trying to take a digital photo of the painting for my portfolio at the time and I had to hold the camera way up over my head so I could get a perfect straight on shot of it and I kept seeing something moving in the view finder. I was like, what the hell is that? A moth, a bug? I kept deleting the pics because there were these big blurs (I HATE MYSELF now for deleting those) and on the final photo, when I looked in the view finder I gasped out loud! Oh my God!!! THAT'S HER! But then of course you doubt yourself so I personal messaged a few of my friends on facebook and sent them the pic and they said they saw her too! So I made the painting and the experience public. This photo was taken, I later found out, during the time her body was being cremated. Still gives me chills. But it just goes to show ya, you don't have to be in a carbon vessel to make your presence known! I loved her so dearly... RIP Pretty Bird! I still think of her every single day, at least once!
(JASON C sighs heavily)
During the video shoot though, she left no signs so we continued the production!

And as far as the single goes, there were soooo many fuck ups, sound issues, video editing issues because we rushed through it but I just wanted the production of it to be done and over for it was so stressful!!! And that is how "Make Me Feel Good" was born!

P> Ya, THAT one is probably your dirtiest!
(Paige laughs and winks)

JC> Yep! (smiles coyly) I was just ready to let loose! After the stress of Promised, I wanted to get dirty... get wild but of course while also giving a message! I was at a height of depression over world issues and the geo-engineering in the sky - so that, with my desire to let loose, made up the bulk of the next single!

Album Cover for Make Me Feel Good

It was a sexual romp! This also was the last video I smoked a cigarette in. 

P> You quit?

JC> Ya...I had to! I do e-cig now but I almost died a couple of months ago?

P> Holy shit...why?

JC> I developed a very bad form of pneumonia that was shutting down my lungs. I spent 3 weeks in the hospital. During the filming of the video for "Shine On Me" I noticed that I just had this horrible fatigue and was so tired all of the time. Then it was all downhill from there. I just got sicker and sicker and sicker until I finally had to admit to myself that I was human and had to go to the hospital. IV Antibiotics and lung treatments cured it but it was a scary time! If I had waited even like 6 more days...we wouldn't be talking today! And I was dead set against taking any kind of pharmaceuticals for I despise that industry... and health care shouldn't be an "Industry" - but this doctor said, "I don't care if you live or die...but if you don't take the medicine...you ARE going to die." It was so non emotional and blunt. And it was a huge wake up call and I didn't want to die yet so, I took the meds.

When we did Shine On Me, I wanted to do something more ethereal and operatic...little did I know at the time that this almost became my last single!
(looks meaningful)

Album Cover for Shine On Me

P> I'm so glad you're okay!

JC> I made it! The whole experience changed my whole perspective on everything! It is so important to embrace the "little things" because those are the most important! Not money and fame or power or all of the other billion distractions... but the little things, and love!

I was very weak when I left the hospital...but I am also very stubborn! The show must go on!!! When we filmed "Monday Rain", especially during the running in the hospital gown segment, it was very difficult. But Monday Rain was so important to me, so personal and it was worth the physical pain to get the shots I wanted for the video! Actually, I wrote the lyrics in the hospital, all hooked up to tubes and longing for outside air!

P> VIRGIN REMAKE!!! I loved it!

JC> We were soooooo excited about the "Virgin" remake! I had been dying, for awhile, to do a better dance version of this song! I actually cried when the music was finished, that's how much I loved the music for this song!

And then I started feeling irritated with what was going on in Israel and the chemical spraying in the sky but still staying focused on MY life and the little things - I wanted a dramatic 'piano piece' and so then, "Indestructible" was born!

P> "I was wrong about a conspiracy, nearly put me three feet under" - what is the meaning of that line in the song?

JC> Without going into great detail, I was 100% wrong about an issue with my health that actually helped my pneumonia to get as bad as it did. That's why I said earlier, it is impossible to find 100% truth and the alternative media can be as misleading as the main stream media sometimes. But like the song says too, "that doesn't mean that all of a sudden I think everything is a okay and hunky-dory", still think the world is really fucked up at this point! But again I stress... it is the little things in life that matter most!

P> I love "Magic"! Your best work perhaps?
What do you believe to be Bypass Ratio's best work?

JC> Oh, I don't know if it's our best work. The songs I am most proud of for quality and substance would probably be MAGIC, WATER, MAKE ME FEEL GOOD, SHINE ON ME, MONDAY RAIN, VIRGIN and the "Thank You" video.

I have a great affection for all of our work though...even the very beginning stuff with just Anon!

I torture myself sometimes for when I am viewing our work, I'll be watching and go -  Shit, we should have done THIS or why didn't I do THAT or THAT could have been done so much better! But once it is uploaded to YouTube and Vimeo... it is a done deal! But those little mistakes here and there that DON'T happen in the next video, then the next and the next, shows our magical evolution! It's always a learning experience!

So, for Magic, we wanted something funny and creepy with a lot of guitar. It was suppose to be a nice simple ballad at first but most of our stuff changes at the last minute to become something entirely different than was planned! And it did with Magic! "Why Did U Leave Me This Way" ended up being the simple song. Then we did our "Thank You Video".


P> You have had a very productive year Jason!

JC> Yes we have! We weren't sure how BPR would evolve but it just keeps getting better and better. This music is my passion now! We may be coming into a little money soon so (keeping fingers crossed) we are hoping to upgrade to better equipment and a new computer so we can continue to grow and improve and add a little something to make the world, at least a little bit of a better place... that little something being our music!

P> Thank you so much Mr. Christopher

JC> Thank you! and peace.

[If you like breathing oxygen and being "alive" and you would like your children and grandchildren to have a future then please help spread the word to help STOP GEOENGINEERING!!!!]

twentysouthentertainment 2014TM

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