

Sunday, August 17, 2014

2014 ~ carbon vessel interview -part 2-


JC> So, when our friend Brittney backed out of Like A Fanjet, we just couldn't do the song with the same story line without her since it was totally designed with her in mind but we still wanted to do a song where Anon has an evil girlfriend... and that's how "Water" evolved.

Album Cover for Water

Water ended up being less violent than what Like A Fanjet was intended to be (with the whole Anon's evil girlfriend theme). Water had more of a "cartoony" feel. At the time of its completion, Water was truly our best work to date! We received many compliments on it and it prompted us to send a submission to Tree Machine RecordsLike so many others though, - Tree Machine
Records didn't even bother to send me a rejection email... just NO response what so ever! It was above and beyond frustrating!
I mean, tell me you hate it or it sucks, whatever but don't just NOT respond!
It was at this stage that we just gave up the idea of ever trying to make money from Bypass Ratio's music and the continuous disappointment was effecting our creativity and the enjoyment of doing the music so... we are doing it for "US" now... and that's it!

P> What happened with the "donate button" on your YouTube videos?

JC> We didn't get enough views, enough support, to make that work either. If it involves money, it involves failure! We took off all of the "donate" links from the YouTube videos. We are going to look for ways to gain more exposure so more people can see our work but no more trying to earn money from it... no more!

P> And the Pay It Forward Page? Any success there?
JC> Nope... not a dime!


P> Many of your songs deal with politics and conspiracy. What is your view of the world as 2014 beginnings to wrap up?

JC> My view of the world is this... IT'S FUCKED UP!
It is extremely difficult to find 100% "truth" about ANYTHING now! In fact, I think it is 100% impossible! I spent so much time... hundreds of hours researching on non-mainstream media sites and blogs and pages... but you can be fooled by them as well as the government & global elite controlled mainstream media.
I believe that this "white picket fence" America is an illusion, that we are actually slaves > slaves to a system! Society as a whole in this country is a fucking joke!
I believe Obama and most politicians, Republican AND Democrat, are indeed puppets for a global elite. There is too much focus on money and power and not enough focus on humanity. My deepest anger is about the chemicals being sprayed in the sky!
But since I almost died recently, I can't focus on all of that 100% of the time anymore. I will never be "asleep" again or a "sheep" but like everyone, I have a destiny to fulfill on this planet, regardless of what is going on in the world or how it is being destroyed in every possible way. And I have realized that even thought I believe the planet is goin' down... it is important while we still have breathable air & freedom <sort of - to embrace the little things and love your family, enjoy your pets, truly stop and smell those roses! Life is short! So my view of the world at this wrapping up of 2014? We need love... more love! Love is the key!

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